
Hi! Welcome to Chasing After Dreams. I’m 24-years-young from British Columbia, Canada.



I have a fiery passion for anything and everything health-related. Currently, I work full-time as a public health professional, and I have a degree in nursing. I’m also working on a second science degree at the moment.

I’ve started blogging as part of my quest to “live more in the moment.” I’ve always been very future oriented, focusing on “what might lie ahead for me” instead of what’s in front of me right now. My hope is through blogging, I can learn to better appreciate where I am at right here, right now. And who knows? I might just learn a few things about myself and meet some inspiring people along the way!

I have been gluten-free since March of 2011, when I found out I am gluten intolerant. I don’t consume beef, pork, game, or poultry. My diet mainly consists of foods that make me feel like a rockstar – lots of smoothies, fresh juices, nuts and nut butters, and gluten-free grains. Oh, and I absolutely love coffee.

Since January 2011, I have lost 20 lbs. I still feel I have some weight to lose, but ultimately I want to work towards becoming stronger and more fit. I’ve dieted all my life, played the yo-yo game, and it’s just not fun! I’d much rather focus on being healthy, happy, and not depriving myself of caffeine, the occassional glass of wine, or chocolate!

I love to run and practice hot yoga, and am always game to try new physical activities and challenge my body!

Hope you enjoy…

2 responses to “About

  1. I love finding fellow Canadian bloggers! Congrats on losing 20lbs since January and finding a healthier lifestyle.
    PS. I refuse to deprive myself of wine too. 🙂

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